Orangutans in the News

Sabah's east coast orang-utans in serious decline - Nov 2011

Posted 24 Nov 2011 in Orangutans in the News

Publisher: Wildlife-Extra

November 2011: 300 orang-utans have been lost in just seven years in Lower Kinabatangan on Sabah's east coast.

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Tuberculosis strikes orangutan sanctuary - Nov 2011

Posted 24 Nov 2011 in Orangutans in the News

Publisher: Jakarta-Post

The Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOSF) has reported that tuberculosis infections have delayed the release of 650 captive orangutans back ...

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Manager probed over orangutan deaths - Nov 2011

Posted 23 Nov 2011 in Orangutans in the News

Publisher: Jakarta-Globe

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Orangutans slaughtered in Indonesia - Nov 2011

Posted 23 Nov 2011 in Orangutans in the News

Publisher: news

POLICE say two Indonesian palm oil workers have been arrested for allegedly slaughtering at least 20 endangered orangutans and proboscis ...

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'Island' Building For Endangered Red Apes - Nov 2011

Posted 17 Nov 2011 in Orangutans in the News

Publisher: npr

In honor of Orangutan Caring Week (November 12-20), I ask you to envision 50 small, rusty cages set up on ...

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Five Wild Cat Species Documented in Sumatran Forest Imperiled by Logging - Nov 2011

Posted 16 Nov 2011 in Orangutans in the News

Publisher: Mongabay

A single forest corridor in Sumatra has yielded camera trap photos of five wild cats species, including the Critically Endangered ...

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Toilet paper critics on a roll - Nov 2011

Posted 14 Nov 2011 in Orangutans in the News

Next time you see a loo roll think about where the fibre is sourced from.

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Survey: Indonesians killed 750 orangutans in year - Nov 2011

Posted 13 Nov 2011 in Orangutans in the News

Publisher: CBS-News

Villagers living on the Indonesian side of Borneo killed at least 750 endangered orangutans over a yearlong period, some to ...

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Week of oragutan fun at the zoo - Nov 2011

Posted 09 Nov 2011 in Orangutans in the News

Publisher: stuff.co.nz

Auckland Zoo is gearing up for an exciting time as part of Orangutan Caring Week.

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Struggle for survival between Borneos and orangutans for food - Nov 2011

Posted 04 Nov 2011 in Orangutans in the News

Publisher: digital-journal

On November 4, 2011, the world reverberated with shock news about the death of 691 orangutans, slaughtered by starving villagers ...

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